AI Workflow - Convert YouTube Videos to Skimmable Text

This is a series where I'll break it down for you in bite-sized bits - how I'm incorporating AI workflows into my daily life and work. And I'll show you how you can do it too.

Featured tools: PaperTube | Tactiq | Claude

With the rise in popularity & quality of video content, there's a wealth of knowledge out there on YouTube. But unlike text, you can't simply skim through a video to quickly extract what you need.

If you want to learn a new subject or do content research, you have to spend a ridiculous amount of time filtering through the "ok" stuff to get to the real gems.

That is where I found I spent the most time when I do content research, so I want to cut down the time.

And I've found two killer AI workflow hacks that work well.

Tactiq + Claude

  • Enter any YouTube URL into to instantly generate a transcript.
  • Copy the transcript, paste it into Claude, and ask for a concise summary highlighting the main topics and key takeaways (example Claude prompt below).
  • Then work with Claude to break down the content further so you can quickly dive into the most relevant sections.
AI Workflow with Claude


If you prefer to consume information through reading - try Papertube.

Not only does it give you the transcript and audio file for any YouTube video, but it also converts the content into Kindle e-books you can read through a collection of them on the go!

A little preview - for the next post in this series, I will show you why I think Claude is a superior tool to ChatGPT for writing like a "normal person".